Mark Wahlberg recently made headlines for appearing in a Super Bowl ad earlier this month for the Christian app, Hallow, that featured the actor praying and encouraging viewers to draw closer to God this Lent. But the 52-year-old’s faith is much more than something he promotes on religious holidays or even Sundays—it’s a daily part of his life—including his work.
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“I’ve always felt like I wanted to do more with the talents and gifts that were given me for the greater good and to fulfill God’s purpose,” Wahlberg explained in an interview with Eric Metaxas on TBN. “He put me in this position for a reason and it’s not to just keep making you know comedies that sometimes work and sometimes don’t.”
Wahlberg is one of a few A-list stars who has spoken out boldly about his faith in recent years. And a big inspiration behind that was the completion of his passion project in 2022, “Father Stu,” which Wahlberg calls his “love letter to the Lord,”and carries an impactful message that Wahlberg believes has the potential to change lives.
“Nobody’s beyond [redemption] if they’re willing to do the work,” Wahlberg explained. “If they honestly, sincerely repent and want to go and do the work to turn their lives around… God knows your heart.”
It’s a message that inspires Wahlberg daily and it’s one that the actor, who notoriously moved his family out of Hollywood to give his kids “a better life,” wants to convey more and more through his work in entertainment.
“I definitely am committed to and looking forward to doing more faith-based content and more stuff that just has substance and helps people,” Wahlberg said, adding that he’s “hoping to start a faith-based component and do lots of meaningful stuff — both film [and] television.”
With Easter just around the corner, we’ve gearing up for a time of reflection and renewal that will help you draw closer to God through wholesome, uplifting entertainment here on Great American Pure Flix. Keep an eye out for more information as we kick off our Easter programming here soon!
Photo credit: Instagram