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lucas black on set of birthright outlaw
Nov 9, 2022 12:00:00 AM

‘We All Face Giants’: Actor Lucas Black Shares God's Word on Set of New Movie

Lucas Black, star of the Great American Pure Flix Original movie “Legacy Peak,” is back on set working on a new western film — bringing with him a heart on fire for the Lord and the desire to share God's word with cast and crew members in an unorthodox way: set church.

“Did you think that movie sets have devotion and prayer every day before we start the day? I didn’t. But the last three films I have worked on God has proved me wrong,” Black captioned a post on Instagram. “I guess I underestimated His power. Set church is happening!!!”


The post includes a video of Black encouraging cast and crew during a set church sermon about David and Goliath, one of his “favorite stories” in the Bible.

“One of my favorite lines in this story is, ‘As the Philistine, the giant, moved closer to attack him, David ran quickly toward the battle line to meet him.,” Black said in the video, referencing 1 Samuel 17:48.

“We all face Giants,” Black added. “With Jesus’s help we can run boldly to the battle line knowing we are more than conquerors in Him. Let’s be people of God who stand firm in faith and face these Giants in front of us with confidence!”


The former “NCIS: New Orleans” star recently returned to acting after taking a break in 2019 to focus on his family. Besides reprising his role as “Sean” for the ninth installment of the “Fast and Furious” franchise in 2021, “Legacy Peak” was Black’s first starring role since his self-imposed break. And the experience definitely didn’t disappoint.

“We need more stories like this being produced,” Black said after filming wrapped in February. “It will be an experience I will not forget. God moved in a magnificent way during this process. I met some strong believers who are bold in expressing their faith. I am encouraged at your resilience to run to the battle line and profess Jesus’s name with great faith.”


And Black isn’t the only actor who has been blessed by “set church.” Kirk Cameron, who stars in the new Kendrick Brother movie “Lifemark,” recently revealed that the cast and crew would pray every day on set before filming!

lifemark set praying pure flix blog 800px 450pxPhoto used with permission from

Here’s hoping that opportunities for prayer and devotions on movie sets increase as actors like Cameron and Black continue to speak boldly about their faith!

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Photo credit: Instagram


Marissa Mayer

Marissa Mayer is a writer and editor with more than 10 years of professional experience. Her work has been featured in Christian Post, The Daily Signal, and Intellectual Takeout. Mayer has a B.A. in English with an emphasis in Creative Writing from Arizona State University.