Miracle stories have long captivated the masses. Unexplained stories of healing and overcoming insurmountable odds give human beings hope amid difficulties. This is why Hollywood has often turned to miracle stories in movies and TV shows — themes that empower viewers and capture their attention.
In fact, some of these incredible stories are told in Pure Flix series and films like “Miracle at Manchester,” "The Girl Who Believed in Miracles," "Do You Believe?" among others.
As you likely know, the Bible is also filled with incredible miracle stories. In fact, some of the most powerful portions of scripture focus on the miracles of Jesus — the steps Christ took to heal, feed the masses and perform other stunning works.

Jesus' Miracles
We’ll take a look at Jesus’ first miracle — turning water into wine — and other miracles of Jesus that have long captivated Bible readers and the faithful. Let’s take a deeper look an amazing list of Jesus’ miracles:
Turning Water into Wine: The First Miracle of Jesus
In John 2:1-11, we witness Jesus’ first recorded miracle: turning water into wine during a wedding celebration in Cana of Galilee. This moment marked the beginning of His public ministry and set the stage for many of the miracles of Jesus that would follow.
When the wine ran out at the wedding, Mary, Jesus’ mother, brought the issue to His attention. Initially hesitant, Jesus then instructed the servants to fill six stone jars with water. Moments later, the water was miraculously transformed into wine. This extraordinary event is captured in John 2:11 (NIV):
“What Jesus did here in Cana of Galilee was the first of the signs through which he revealed his glory; and his disciples believed in him.”
This miracle holds profound lessons for us today. Among the miracles of Jesus, it demonstrates His willingness to address both major and minor concerns in our lives. While healing the sick and raising the dead are acts of divine power, this event reminds us that no issue—no matter how seemingly small—is beyond Christ’s care and compassion.
The act of turning water into wine also illustrates Jesus’ ability to bring abundance and joy into our lives. Just as He provided for the wedding guests, He provides for us, transforming the ordinary into the extraordinary. This miracle encourages us to bring all of our struggles and victories, big or small, to Him, trusting in His provision and grace.
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Feeding the 5,000: A Testament of Provision
One of the most well-known miracles of Jesus is the feeding of the 5,000, a powerful testament to His divine provision. This incredible event, recorded in Matthew 14:18-21, showcases Christ’s ability to meet even the most basic human needs with abundance and grace.
The story unfolds as Jesus heals the sick among a massive crowd. As evening approaches, the disciples express concern over the lack of food, noting they have only five loaves of bread and two fish. Despite the seemingly limited resources, Jesus instructs the disciples to bring the food to Him and have the people sit on the grass. What happens next is nothing short of miraculous, as described in Matthew 14:18-20 (NIV):
“Bring them here to me,” he said. And he directed the people to sit down on the grass. Taking the five loaves and the two fish and looking up to heaven, he gave thanks and broke the loaves. Then he gave them to the disciples, and the disciples gave them to the people. They all ate and were satisfied, and the disciples picked up twelve basketfuls of broken pieces that were left over.”
This account not only highlights Jesus’ ability to multiply resources but also underscores His deep care for His followers. Among the miracles of Jesus, the feeding of the 5,000 is a reminder that no need is too small or insignificant for Him to address.
Additionally, the Bible recounts another instance of miraculous provision when Jesus fed 4,000 people, further demonstrating His limitless power and compassion. These acts inspire us to trust in Christ’s provision, knowing He can transform scarcity into abundance and meet every need—physical, emotional, and spiritual.
Healing the Blind Man: Power Over Physical Affliction
In Mark 8:22-26 we observe another in the list of Jesus’ miracles: his healing of a blind man at Bethsaida. Unlike Jesus’ first miracle, this one involved fixing a person’s physical ailment. We are told that a group brought a blind man to Jesus and begged for him to be healed.
Christ took the man outside of the village, and that’s where one of the most amazing miracles of Jesus unfolded. Biblica recounts what happened in Mark 8:23-25 (NIV):
He took the blind man by the hand and led him outside the village. When he had spit on the man’s eyes and put his hands on him, Jesus asked, “Do you see anything?” He looked up and said, “I see people; they look like trees walking around.” Once more Jesus put his hands on the man’s eyes. Then his eyes were opened, his sight was restored, and he saw everything clearly.
This Jesus miracle shows us that he not only cares about our physical ailments, but that he can also heal them. While we can’t always know God’s will for our lives and struggles, reliance on him as we face pain and struggle is essential. This is one of the miracles of Jesus that shows how possible it is for him to heal us of our afflictions.
The Resurrection of Lazarus: Victory Over Death
Among the most shocking Jesus miracles are the events recounted in John 11:38-44 when Jesus raises Lazarus from the dead. It’s clear from the scriptures that Jesus cares about Lazarus, and when he learns he is sick Christ proclaims that this illness “will not end in death.”
Jesus told the disciples, “Our friend Lazarus has fallen asleep; but I am going there to wake him up.” It’s what happens next that makes this one of the most powerful miracles of Jesus. When Christ arrives on the scene, Lazarus has already been dead and in his tomb for four days.
When Christ reached the tomb, he asked that the stone be moved. After speaking to God and asking for Lazarus to rise, Jesus said, “Lazarus, come out!” And here’s what unfolds in verse 44 (NIV):
The dead man came out, his hands and feet wrapped with strips of linen, and a cloth around his face.” When we look at a list of Jesus miracles, this one certainly stands out!
It’s a pretty stunning scene — and lesson for us all that, with Christ, anything is possible. Through prayer and reliance, there are no limits to what can happen. While we must pray for Jesus’ will, we know that he can make the impossible possible.
Walking on Water: Mastery Over Nature
Among the awe-inspiring miracles of Jesus, walking on water stands out as a profound demonstration of His mastery over nature. Recorded in Matthew 14:22-33, this event occurred after Jesus had sent His disciples ahead of Him by boat while He stayed behind to pray. As the disciples’ boat was buffeted by strong winds and waves during the night, Jesus approached them by walking across the water.
The disciples, seeing Him, were terrified, thinking He was a ghost. But Jesus reassured them with these comforting words in Matthew 14:27 (NIV):
“Take courage! It is I. Don’t be afraid.”
Peter, filled with a mix of faith and doubt, asked to join Jesus on the water. When Jesus invited him, Peter stepped out of the boat and began walking toward Him. However, as Peter noticed the wind and waves, his fear overcame him, and he began to sink. He cried out for help, and Jesus immediately reached out to save him.
This miracle shows us not only Jesus’ divine power over the natural world but also the importance of maintaining faith amidst life’s storms. When we focus on Christ, we can overcome challenges that seem impossible. But, like Peter, when fear and doubt creep in, we can falter.
Walking on water symbolizes more than just a miraculous act; it’s a reminder that Jesus is in control, even in the most turbulent situations. As we face the waves of life, this miracle encourages us to trust in His ability to calm the storm and guide us safely through.
What was Jesus’ Greatest Miracle?
Without a doubt the most stunning miracle of Jesus is his resurrection — the most essential and important event in history. Jesus’ death is an event that gives humanity life, with his defeat of death and his resurrection definitively topping the list of Jesus’ miracles.
John 3 tells us that Christ is the key to salvation, with the message perfectly encapsulated in John 3:16 (NIV):
"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.”
That wraps our list of Jesus miracles. For more on the miracles of Jesus, head over to the Bible and read the powerful words presented in the New Testament.
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