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Jun 13, 2024 10:05:00 AM

How the Original Movie ‘Dream Wedding’ Celebrates Sisterhood

In the new Great American Original movie coming to Great American Pure Flix, "Dream Wedding," Kate accompanies her engaged sister Megan to a local wedding convention. From that event, comes something Kate never expected to happen: she wins a dream wedding raffle, despite being single. Megan convinces her to take the prize to enjoy some of the perks that come with the package.

"Dream Wedding" is about two sisters who want the best for each other, who encourage each other to step outside their comfort zone and learn from the mistakes they make together.

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We're going to dive into how this movie celebrates sisterhood and what it can teach us about being a good sister.

Lift Each Other Up

Megan knows it's not easy for Kate to accompany her to the wedding convention while being single after being engaged twice. Megan only wants the best for Kate -- she wants her to have fun and remember how wonderful she is.

Megan coud've greedily asked to have the package for herself since it's her wedding they are planning. But Megan humbly puts herself and her desires aside, especially as the bride to be, and wants Kate to share the limelight with her through the wedding planning process. This is why Megan encourages Kate to accept the prize, not for her own selfishness, but for Kate to also feel special and valued. 

Sisters are there to encourage each other and lift each other up. Megan knows how great of a person Kate is, which is why she felt like Kate deserved the prize. Our sisters see the best in us and only want the best for us.

They see our positive attributes and want those to shine through us. Sisters never put us down or make anything feel like a competition, but instead cheer us on and are there with us every step of the way, like Megan did for Kate.

Step Outside Your Comfort Zone

Kate is very practical and levelheaded. She's not a fan of having all eyes on her and be the center of attention. This is why it takes coaxing from Megan in order for her to accept the prize and follow through with it. Megan knows this isn't something Kate would've done for herself but knows that it would be something she would enjoy.

This shows that Megan knows her sister -- both her strengths and her weaknesses. Again, Megan only wants the best for Kate, which is why she pushes her to try something new. For anyone, it can be scary to try something new, but getting outside our comfort zone is where growth occurs.

Our sisters know us inside and out, like Megan knows Kate. They are there to push us to do the "scary" thing, to do something outside our security blanket.

sisters in boutique dream wedding

Champion & Support Us

Sisterhood also means that we can count on our sisters to be there through whatever we experience. We can have peace knowing they'll be there to support us and champion us through whatever we're going through.

Kate continues to lean on Megan throughout her journey, because Megan is part of her support system. Kate knows that anytime she needs Megan, Megan will answer her call and be there for her. And Megan knows the same goes for Kate -- if she needs her, Kate will be there for her at a moment's notice.

Our sisters will be there for us whenever we need them. Knowing we can count on them makes us feel supported in all that we do. Whether we fail or succeed, our sisters will be there to encourage us and celebrate us.

Bible Verses About Sisters

Inspired by the sisterhood in "Dream Wedding," here are some Bible verses about sister to meditate on during prayers for your sister, to share as encouragement or simply send to your sister!

She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come. – Proverbs 31:25 (NIV)

Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you. – Ephesians 4:32 (NIV)

I thank my God every time I remember you. In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy. – Philippians 1:3-4 (NIV)

It is better not to eat meat or drink wine or to do anything else that will cause your brother or sister to fall. – Romans 14:21 (NIV)

As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another. – Proverbs 27:17 (NIV)

sisters at wedding convention with shop lead dream wedding

Additional Ways to Celebrate Your Sister

In addition to the ways that "Dream Wedding" celebrates sisterhood, here are a few more ways to show how much you love and appreciate their presence in your life!

Send Your Sister a Handwritten Note

Remember getting handwritten letters in the mail? Or passing notes to your sister back and forth back in school? Revive your cursive skills and send your sister a letter thanking them for their presence in your life, reminisce about some of your favorite memories growing up together, or share your favorite traits about them as a person!

Send Your Sister a Text

We understand that we’re all busy and may not have time to send a handwritten note - but a text can have the same effect! Thank your sister, tell them you love them, or just wish them a great day!

Share Your Favorite Photo of You Together

Nothing brings up good memories, stories and laughter like a good throwback photo! Share it on social media and tag your sisters, or just send it to them personally and let them know why you enjoy that particular photo! We’ll bet it will spark some fun family stories!

Call Your Sister

Sure, our sisters usually are one of the first people we call with news, to catch up, or talk to about something going on (like Kate and Megan do!). But it's also important to carve out a few minutes to share your love and appreciation for them, ask specifically about their life or just take the few minutes to listen to whatever is on their mind.

Pray for Your Sister

Our sisters need our prayers - prayers of appreciation for them as a person, prayers of petition and intercession, possibly even prayers of forgiveness or healing. Ask the Holy Spirit to be with them and for Jesus to walk alongside them every step of the way. Not sure what your sister needs? Ask them! You can even ask to pray with your sister right then and there.

Watch a Movie About Sisterhood

If you're looking for more movies that celebrate sisterhood after watching "Dream Wedding," here are a few more options you can find right here on Great Aemrican Pure Flix!

Strong Fathers, Strong Daughters

strong fathers strong daughters updated key art

Familial relationships are at the heart of Great American Pure Flix’s original movie “Strong Fathers, Strong Daughters” follows sisters Abby, Zoey, and Bridget as they each navigate their personal relationship with their father. While all sisters are entering a different stage in their lives, we see they all understand what it means to be growing up in the Parston household. 

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The Abigail Mysteries


Abby Broukes, a true crime podcaster, moves back home in hopes of starting a new chapter of her life. In recent years, she's lost touch with her faith and her Poppa, but her sister encourages Abby to take this move as a sign to renew both of those relationships. If you're looking for a great mystery to solve with your sister in addition to encouragement, this movie is just for you!

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Sun Moon

Sun Moon

After Kelsey's engagement falls apart, she decides to go to Taiwan to teach English. Her younger sister Liz is there to support her every step of the way from back in the States. These two sisters know the importance of championing each other through thick and thin. "Sun Moon" is the perfect movie about sisterhood and taking leaps of faith.

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"Dream Wedding" is now available to stream on Great American Pure Flix. Not a member? Sign up for your free 7-day trial now.

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Marissa Zimmet

I was born and raised just across the bay from Tampa, Florida (Go, Lightning!) and attended college at ECU in Greenville, North Carolina.