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Prepare For 'The Chosen' Season 2: Favorite Moments from 'The Chosen' Season 1

If you haven’t watched the first season of "The Chosen" series, we’re here to convince you to stream it now before the second season arrives this month on Pure Flix. As the only show of its kind, it is fully crowd-funded and the first episodic show aimed to tell the entirety of Jesus’ life as told by the Gospels.

In Season 1, we meet Jesus as He starts His public ministry by healing Mary Magdalene from addiction to gathering His apostles, including Simon, James, John and Matthew. Let’s take a look at some of our favorite scenes of "The Chosen" series throughout the first season to prepare for Season 2:


Fan Favorite Moments: 'The Chosen' Series

Healing of Mary Magdalene

No question here, our favorite scene in the first episode has to be when Jesus approaches Mary – Lilith as she was called prior to being saved – outside a bar. Lilith is known by all in the town to be possessed by demons and no one has been able to heal her. As she leaves the bar, Jesus follows her and calls her by her given name. For the first time, in a long time, she is truly seen. Jesus quotes Isaiah 43:1(NIV):

But now, this is what the Lord says — he who created you, Jacob, he who formed you, Israel: “Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name; you are mine.

When He puts His hands on her head, she is miraculously healed of her demons. She then followed Him.

Jesus Reveals Himself to the Children

In the third episode of "The Chosen" series, we witness Jesus preaching to the little children of the Capernaum. We see  Abigail find Jesus’ campsite and each day she brings more and more friends to visit Him. They are enraptured by His words and His teachings and follow Him everywhere. The pinnacle of the episode comes when Abigail asks what Him why He is here. He reveals Himself to them and quotes Isaiah once again, this time Isaiah 61:1(NIV):

The Spirit of the Sovereign LORD is on me, because the LORD has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners.


‘Fishers of Men’

During the fourth episode, Simon’s story comes to a culmination when he goes out during the night to go fishing. With his debt mounting and with bills to be paid, Simon and his friends make one last desperate attempt. But they are unsuccessful and do not catch anything the entire night.

As day breaks, they return to shore to see that Jesus is preaching to people. Simon's brother, Andrew, explains that this is the man he saw preaching in the street. Jesus tells Simon and his colleagues to cast their nets out one more time, they do and are overwhelmed with the catch that it almost sinks the boat as they try to bring up the net.

Simon gets out of the boat and immediately falls to his knees at Jesus’ feet. In this moment, he realizes that Jesus is truly the Son of Man. He says the words in Luke 5:8(NIV):

When Simon Peter saw this, he fell at Jesus’ knees and said, “Go away from me, Lord; I am a sinful man!”

Jesus then tells Simon, Andrew, John and Big James that they will now be “fishers of men.” Matthew, the tax collector and outsider, witnesses all these things and tries to make sense of it.


'The Chosen' Series Season 1 Favorite Moment: Simon Tells His Wife

In the fifth episode, immediately following what happened on the shore, Simon tells his wife Eden about what he witnessed on the river with Jesus. He tearfully explains why he wants to quit fishing and follow Jesus. Eden joyfully gives her consent, saying she knew he was always made for more than fishing and that he was a special man.

'The Chosen' Series Best Moments: First Public Miracle

Our other favorite moment of the fifth episode is when Jesus is asked by His mother to “take care of it” when their friends’ wedding in Cana runs out of wine. On behalf of the bridegroom, Jesus works with Thomas, the caterer and Ramah, the vintner, to turn water into wine. The bride’s family expresses their joy over the wine, saying the family waited until later to have their best wine brought out rather than it being the first.

Jesus Heals the Leper

As the ministry of Jesus gets well underway, we have more and more favorite scenes in the rest of the first season of "The Chosen" series. In episode six, Jesus and the apostles encounter a leper on the road to Capernaum. Immediately the apostles warn him to stay back and not to come near. But Jesus lovingly approaches the leper and talks to him. He cures the leper of his ailment and the disciples see he is immediately healed. Jesus tells the man not to tell anyone what happened but instead spoke the words of Matthew 8:4(NIV):

 Then Jesus said to him, “See that you don’t tell anyone. But go, show yourself to the priest and offer the gift Moses commanded, as a testimony to them.”

Man Lowered Through Roof

When Jesus and the disciples arrive back in Capernaum in episode six, they gather at Big James and John’s family home. As Jesus starts preaching, the crowd around the house grows and blocks the street. The crowd is anxiously trying to catch a glimpse of Jesus. This includes Matthew, who sits on a neighboring rooftop with small children to get a better view.

Friends arrive with a man who is crippled, hoping to have Jesus heal him. Because of the crowds, they can’t get close enough to see Jesus. Mary Magdalene helps them get up to the roof, so they can lower the man into the room and ask Jesus to heal him. Jesus indeed does, seeing their faith as said in Luke 5:20(NIV):

When Jesus saw their faith, He said to the man, “Friend, your sins are forgiven.”


Nicodemus Meets with Jesus

In episode seven of "The Chosen" series, Nicodemus, a prominent Pharisee in the Sanhedrin, has been trying to make sense of all he’s seen and heard of Jesus. Nicodemus was one of the first to try and unsuccessfully cure Mary Magdalene. Mary helps arrange a meeting between Nicodemus and Jesus. Jesus reveals Himself to Nicodemus and asks him to “follow me.” Nicodemus hesitates and is conflicted over abandoning his life's work and prominent position. Nicodemus exclaims, “My heart is swollen with fear and wonder and it tells me nothing but that I am standing on holy ground.”

The Calling of Matthew

Throughout the entire first season of "The Chosen" series, we see Matthew the tax collector watch Jesus from a distance. As a tax collector, Matthew is shunned by his family and fellow Jews. Isolated and cast off, Matthew is drawn to Jesus and he starts to believe but isn’t sure if he wants to leave the comfort of his position and his wealth.

It's not until Jesus walks past Matthew's tax collecting booth and calls Matthew by name from across the square that Matthew takes a stand and leaves his post to join Jesus and the others.

Woman At the Well

In the final episode of Season 1 of "The Chosen" series, Jesus comes upon a Samarian woman at a well. He asks for a drink and she questions why He’s talking to her. Jesus knows all about her and reveals Himself to her by speaking the truth of her past. She is astonished He knows her entire life and understands Him to be the Messiah. She runs away proclaiming the words of John 4:29(NIV):

“Come, see a man who told me everything I ever did. Could this be the Messiah?”

We hope you enjoyed this list of our favorite moments from The Chosen series Season 1. And don’t forget, you can binge The Chosen series Season 1 & 2 now on Pure Flix.


Marissa Zimmet

I was born and raised just across the bay from Tampa, Florida (Go, Lightning!) and attended college at ECU in Greenville, North Carolina.