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Dave MigdalJan 22, 2016 12:00:00 AM2 min read

Sermon helps CNN's Lemon Go From Troubles to Triumph

Don Lemon, one of CNN’s news anchors, is crediting a downloaded sermon from Bishop T.D. Jakes for changing his life.

Lemon recently wrote about how one of Jakes’ sermons helped him get through one of the most difficult periods in his life before he came to CNN in a post entitled, “The Person Who Changed My Life is Someone I Had Never Even Met.” Read the post

One day in Chicago—where he was struggling with a frustrating, unfulfilling job--he downloaded a sermon entitled “You Don’t Have To Believe In My Dream" from Bishop Jakes.

“While I was dealing with my work and life crisis, I would run every single day. As I logged mile after mile in heat waves, driving rain or snowstorms, I would listen to that same sermon on ‘dreams’ over and over and over again, “ Lemon writes. “The central tenet to Jakes' sermon was from the Bible, Romans 3:3-23, which reads, "For what if some did not believe? Shall their unbelief make the faith of God without effect? God forbid: yea, let God be true, but every man a liar."

Lemon adds, "People not believing in my dream had been a recurring reality in my life. So, it was as if Bishop Jakes was speaking directly to my circumstances and me when he told members of his congregation and everyone listening to turn to the person next to them and say, 'Hey neighbor, you don't have to believe in my dream.' "

It was a turning point for Lemon. Even though he had never met or spoken with Bishop Jakes, his words had the power to change his life. As long as Lemon believed in himself and turned his faith into action, well, that was good enough for him. Good fortune soon followed.


Turning one’s faith or beliefs into action is also the central theme in “Do You Believe?” which is now streaming exclusively on Lots of other movies on our platform also rely on keeping faith in yourself and Christ as a central, empowering theme.

Years later at CNN, Lemon got the chance to speak with Bishop Jakes in person.

Read Also: Top 10 Christian Movies for Your Family

“He had no idea that, in large part, the reason I had achieved the success that I had was because of him. He had no idea -- until now.”

Upon learning of Lemon’s revelation, Bishop Jakes simply responded: “To know that I am helping you gives my life meaning…”

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Dave Migdal

Dave Migdal is the Vice President of Communications and Cause Marketing of Pure Flix Digital based in Southern California. He began working with the division shortly after its launch and is dedicated to helping Pure Flix get its message out clearly, effectively and with impact.

After graduating with BS in Journalism from the University of Colorado, Dave began his career as a newspaper reporter. He worked for such publications as the Denver Post and San Antonio Light covering pro and college sports, business and technology.

He pivoted to public relations and corporate communications after a successful run in the newspaper business, joining Sony Electronics to help the company launch ground-breaking technologies and products, including everything from DVD to Internet TV. He also played an instrumental role in creating alliances with Sony Pictures and Sony Music, bringing the three divisions together to form a powerful, unified marketing entity.

Dave started in his own PR/communications company in 2011 and helped companies—ranging in size from start-ups to multi-nationals—reach their potential with a proven mix of PR and perseverance.

A pro basketball fan for 40+ years, he spends his free time with his family at the beach (whenever a game's not being televised).