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Jul 6, 2022 12:00:00 AM

Enjoyed 'Strong Fathers, Strong Daughters'? Here Are More Books on Biblical Parenting From Dr. Meg Meeker

Pure Flix’s original movie, “Strong Fathers, Strong Daughters,” is now available. The movie is inspired by the hit parenting book of the same title that was written by pediatrician, mother and best-selling author Dr. Meg Meeker. In honor of the new movie and Dr. Meeker, we wanted to share her library of parenting resources and inspirational parenting quotes.


‘Strong Mothers, Strong Sons: Lessons Mothers Need to Raise Extraordinary Men’

Strong Mothers, Strong Sons” focuses on another equally important relationship in the family: a mother and her son. Mothers, in many ways, are a sense of home to their children, even as boys grow to be adults. Dr. Meeker offers a road map to help mothers find the strength and confidence to raise extraordinary sons by providing encouragement, education and practical advice.

Christian Parenting: Quoted

“Mothers are often the ones who pray with them, mom has the conversation with the children of who God is and who Christ is.” – Dr. Meg Meeker

Dr. Meeker highlights the importance of the mother to a son, including in their prayer life. While the father figure is usually seen as the role model for their faith journey, a mother is the one who opens the conversation and makes it more accessible and familiar.


‘You've Got This: Unlocking the Hero Dad Within’

You’ve Got This: Unlocking the Hero Dad Within” is aimed at fathers and explores why fathers are important to their children. Dr. Meeker assures you: that every man has it within him to be the hero father his children need. Drawing on Dr. Meeker’s experience from working with the NFL’s Fatherhood Initiative, this guide has simple step-by-step instructions on how to be the father you want to be and what your children need you to be.

Christian Parenting: Quoted

“Anyone can be a great dad because God wired him with everything he needs.” – Dr. Meg Meeker

Dr. Meeker mentions how children are much more receptive to accepting God than their parents are. She encourages parents, especially fathers, to pray with their children, for their children and to show love and care for their children.

‘Boys Should Be Boys: 7 Secrets to Raising Healthy Sons’

We all have heard the saying “boys will be boys.” But how does boyhood enable sons to become the mature, confident and thoughtful men of tomorrow? Dr. Meeker answers that in “Boys Should Be Boys,” with insight into why rules and boundaries are crucial, why the outdoors is the best classroom, how to preserve a boy’s innocence and how and when to discuss life’s big questions.

Christian Parenting: Quoted

“The foundation of any boy’s life is built on three things: his relationships with his parents, his relationship with God, and his relationship with his siblings and close friends. If these three are strong, any boy can thrive in the midst of academic and athletic challenges, a toxic culture, and harmful peer pressure.” – “Boys Should Be Boys,” page 13

Dr. Meeker stresses the importance of what parents can do to steer their young boys away from the toxic masculinity culture that has been growing in recent years. She suggests doing so by treating your son as a whole person, rather than just by his athletic or academic performance. She emphasizes parenting them to become men of character, by way of virtue, in order to combat the current struggles boys face in our culture.


‘The 10 Habits of Happy Mothers: Reclaiming Our Passion, Purpose, and Sanity’

These days, we often see many mothers increasingly lonely, anxious, depressed and unhappy with themselves. Mothers are expected to do it all and they rarely give themselves grace. In “The 10 Habits of Happy Mothers,” Dr. Meeker identifies the 10 positive habits of mothers who are healthy, happy and fulfilled.

Christian Parenting: Quoted

“Mothers, don’t look at this list as 10 more things you have to do…this is about pondering and thinking…Christ’s heart is so loving and accommodating toward our young mothers. Take that pressure off yourself of feeling like you’re not doing enough.” – Dr. Meg Meeker

Dr. Meeker knows and understands how easily mothers can become overwhelmed by all the responsibilities and duties they feel obligated to perform for their children. Dr. Meeker wants mothers to understand that the habits she shares in “The 10 Habits of Happy Mothers” will help them be more present in their children’s lives.

On June 1st Dr. Meeker released her Strong Fathers, Strong Daughters MASTERCLASS - in just 10 minutes per day by video or "podcast" style Dr. Meg gives you insight into how your daughter sees you and the steps you can take to deepen and strengthen that relationship.

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We hope Dr. Meeker’s quotes on Christian parenting and her books will encourage you to understand what your children need from strong parental figures. And don’t forget to stream “Strong Fathers, Strong Daughters” now on Pure Flix!


Marissa Zimmet

I was born and raised just across the bay from Tampa, Florida (Go, Lightning!) and attended college at ECU in Greenville, North Carolina.