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How Romance on TV Shapes our Perception of Love

Written by Pure Flix Editors | Mar 1, 2017 7:00:00 AM

In an article on how romantic comedies affect our love lives, Dr. Silvia Kratzer, Professor of Cinema Studies at UCLA, says that the media and film have the power to “shape and reinforce prevailing cultural attitudes.” Equipped with this knowledge, PureFlix.com strives to share romantic comedies and dramas that challenge the skewed perception of romance that popular media often portrays.

PureFlix.com even recently added a “Love and Romance” category to the platform, so that viewers can quickly find romances that depict healthy dating, saving sex for marriage, and fidelity. We want families to rest easy, and allow their kids to watch an action film like “Beyond the Mask” where the hero not only fights for the good in the world, but the good of the woman he loves. We want to remind people that love and fidelity go hand and hand with movies like “Marriage Retreat” and “Sacred Vow,” because we know that inspirational movies like these remind parents and kids of romantic relationships that glorify God and the uphold the dignity of the person.

Romance in Popular Media  

The Parent’s Television Council recently published a piece that looked at how love and romance are portrayed on modern television. The article discussed the show “The Bachelor” which paints a fairy tale version of love, involving two people who fall in love after spending a few short weeks together. The show ends with the marriage proposal, implying that the couple goes on to live happily ever after. However, the reality is that less than 10 couples are still together after more than 30 seasons of “The Bachelor” and its sister show, “The Bachelorette,” combined.

What’s even more troubling than “fake romance” is the the trend of nudity and pornography on current TV. Whether it’s “Game of Thrones” which features full nudity or “Friends” where male characters casually discuss their porn consumption, this sad objectifying of the human person has become all too frequent in shows that many teens watch.

Pure Flix Offers No Language, Sex, or Violence Surprises  

The Center on Media and Child Health at Boston Children's Hospital found that "exposure to developmentally inappropriate sexual content may contribute to difficulties forming healthy romantic relationships, increased risk of teen pregnancy, poor body image and contracting a sexually transmitted infection or disease.” If inappropriate romantic content can so negatively affect kids, then think of how healthy depictions of romance can positively affect them.

At PureFilx.com, you can find inspirational movies and online TV series portraying healthy relationships that align with your values. Whether you choose a movie for a teen or a child or for your own date night, you can be sure that there will be no language, sex, or violence surprises. If you’re ready to give your family love and romance alternatives that counter what popular media offers, sign-up for a free, one-month trial subscription of PureFlix.com.