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God Still Works Miracles Today, Here's Proof

Written by Editors | Aug 31, 2016 7:00:00 AM

A recent Pew Research study found that half of all Americans have left church and stopped believing in God. The reasons why vary, but they include people saying they just don’t believe, they don’t like organized religion, or common sense and a lack of miracles disprove God.  

The truth is, our God is a God of miracles, and a recent article from Charisma will dispel any doubts you may have. The article is a story from Rev. Tony Suarez about his wife’s miraculous healing after she was diagnosed with Leukemia and given two weeks to live. Tony tells the story as a series of miracles.

Modern Day Miracles

Rev. Suarez says the first miracle his family witnessed was finding the cancer at all. His wife, Jessica Suarez, had no symptoms and only went to the hospital because she had an excruciating headache. The next miracle is that Jessica did not die within two weeks, and the Suarez’s were able to seek a bone marrow transplant at a leading cancer hospital in Houston, TX. However, getting into the hospital in Houston proved to be more difficult than they thought.

“I tried to get Jessica an appointment, only to be turned down.” Reverend Suarez told Charisma, “I happened to be attending a meeting and met a gentleman by the name of Massey Villareal. He heard my wife's story and said he happened to be on the board of hospitals for that city and offered to help—our third miracle! Within hours, the hospital called us and scheduled Jessica to come in.”

The fourth miracle happened when Jessica’s sister, Janelle, who had a 20 percent chance of being a match for the bone transplant, was a perfect match. However, things went downhill again after the transplant. Jessica had sores all over her mouth, and the doctors were planning on installing a feeding tube. Reverend Suarez told his friend and mentor, Morton Bustard, about the situation since the Lord had previously used Bustard in the healing of others.

Reverend Suarez wrote, “I watched as the spirit of God came on him. He said ‘Tony, things will be significantly different by tomorrow afternoon.”’ By the next morning every sore in Jessica's mouth, tongue and throat and dried up and disappeared except one! There was an almost instant change in her health. She was able to get out of bed, walk around and even eat! They never did have to install the feeding tube, because God did the work in her body!”

Today Jessica is completely healed. She recently received a letter from her doctors that read, "Mrs. Suarez, we are pleased to inform you that you are cancer free!”

Do You Believe in Miracles?

It’s easy to brush off stories like the Suarez’s as coincidence, but truly God wanted to work in Jessica so we could see his good works and praise him. Miracles happen for our own benefit, not God’s. When you believe that God is actively working in your life, that the events of your day are not just coincidence, you are strengthening your faith. Pray for the gift of believing in miracles, and pray for the eyes to see them in your daily life, so that you can come to know God and recognize his goodness.

For more inspiration, check out these 5 Family Movies that Will Make You Believe in Miracles. Each movie tells a story of God working in the lives of his children, and how they come to know him through miracles. All five family movies are also available to watch for free on Pure Flix when you visit PureFlix.com and sign up for a free-month trial.  

Read Also: Top 10 Christian Movies for Your Family