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5 Ways Christians Can Exercise a Positive Attitude

Written by Editors | Jul 25, 2017 7:00:00 AM

Would you agree that life is filled with ups and downs? However, the more positive your attitude, the easier it will be for you to identify the silver lining hidden within each challenging situation. Once you have identified the silver lining, you will have the inspiration and the focus to overcome it.

“Positive” is often defined as “being fully assured; marked by or indicating acceptance, approval, or affirmation and confident.” When you operate with a positive attitude, you receive inspiration to boldly confront all opposition and win. A positive attitude is prerequisite to taking positive action upon which all successful endeavors are built.

My working definition for the word, “positive” revolves around this question - do you see challenges as positive or negative? For example, do you see the glass of water as half-full or half-empty? If you see problems as opportunities for growth, you are more apt to embrace and endure them, increasing your trust, faith and maturity in God.

Though the word, “positive” is not found in the Bible, it works with your faith in God to profit. Another way to think of “faith” is as confidence - confidence that God will provide the strength, wisdom and strategies you need to overcome adversities.

When you approach a problem with a positive attitude, you will be inspired to do all you know to do, while trusting God to do the heavy lifting you cannot. A positive attitude will help you stay on top of negative circumstances, instead of letting them crush you.

Here are Five Keys to Exercising a Positive Attitude:

1. Practice an attitude of gratitude. Count your blessings by writing them daily in  a gratitude journal. Periodically reread from this journal to recount your blessings. This practice will help you maintain a positive mindset.  Remember there is always someone worse off than you.

2. Pray and ask God for the strength, wisdom and strategies to solve knotty problems. There is nothing too hard for God. Not only is He willing to help you if you ask, He is able.

3. Quickly execute the wisdom and strategies God reveals to you. Focus on doing your part and let God do the heavy lifting for you. He will always help you finish strong.

4. Resist discouraging thoughts of doubt, unbelief and hopelessness by meditating on the solution. You move in the direction of your most dominant thought. Also speak the solution as an affirmation.. You have what you say. So, speak positively, not negatively.

5. Thank and praise and worship God in advance for providing the answer you are seeking even before your answer fully manifests in the physical, natural realm.

In closing, “If you think you can, you can.” For the believer, cultivating a positive attitude is imperative for overcoming adversities and to fulfilling your godly purpose. It motivates you from within to move in the right direction regardless of your feelings. If you think positive, you will speak positive and you will be positive, achieving your goals in life.

Looking for even more inspiration? Download this Inspirational Movie Guide filled with film overviews, trivia, and fun facts that will inspire your faith!